Q: What is my login username?

A: For DTU students: Your student number e.g. "s123456".
A: For DTU employees: Your DTU initials. If your DTU mail is example@dtu.dk, then your login name is "example".
A: For non-DTU members: Your login username is your email.

Q: Are there shoes in the club?

A: Shoes are available for free for use in the club. Please make sure to spray the shoes with the disinfectant spray and put the shoes back in the appropriate box after use so we can keep the area tidy!

Q: What do I need to start climbing at DTU Climbing?

A: Since we only offer bouldering and you can borrow shoes at the gym (if you do not have any), all you need is some workout clothes and you are ready to go.

Q: How do I contact the board?

A: Write an e-mail to: Info@dtuclimbing.dk
A: Join our Facebook group: DTU Climbing

Q: How do I cancel my membership?

A: As soon as you cancel your membership, you are not recognized as a member in our system, and your access to the doors at the gym will be terminated.
To cancel your membership, go to "Usermenu" → "Payment history"  then under "Registration overview" select your membership and click "Click here to unsubscribe".

Q: Why is my card not working?

A: You can always check your card status on https://cardadmin.cas.dtu.dk/ if you have a DTU login. 

Else it can be due to an internal error, as we have a few systems that are trying to work together. You card should work within 30 minutes of you signing up. If this is not the case, write to info@dtuclimbing.dk

Q: I have payment issues, what do I do?

A: DTU Climbing is using NETS as a payment platform, and NETS is using multi-step-verification for payment.
If you have payment issues, go to: https://enroll.3dsecure.no/nets-nemid-enroller/EnrollSite?lang=en
Here you can connect you payment card with your mobile number to make sure that your card is not stolen.
You should also check your address, to make sure that it is a Danish address. If the system has picked up a non-Danish address, it will have trouble completing the payment.

Q: What is the code for the main door to DTU Sport's area?

A: If you are a DTU Student or employee, you should use your own access code.
A: If you only have a DTU Climbing access card, then the code is 2800#

Q: How do I get a card for the gym?

A: If you are affiliated with DTU, your general DTU access card will be the card used to get access to the gym.

A: If you are not a part of DTU, you will need to get a DTU Climbing access card before creating an account.
This can be done in either one of the following ways:

  1. Stop by during one of the open gym sessions (See the calendar)
  2. Go to the DTU sport office. It is located in the glass box in building 101: entrance b through the first door on the right. Their opening hours can be found here https://dtusport.dk/kontakt. The DTU sport office is closed May, June, July, August and December. The office has been removed.
  3. Write to info@dtuclimbing.dk to meet up to get a card handed over.

After you have picked up a card, you need to register yourself on this page: Non-DTU signup

Q: Are there lockers available? I can see some of them are empty.

A: Lockers are first come, first serve. If one of them is empty, with no lock on it, you can take it. They will be cut open twice a year, in July/august and in January/February.

Q: When is the gym open?

A: We follow DTU’s opening hours: 05:00 - 22:45.
A: The gym is closed during events in the sports hall. These events include things like exams, job fairs, and other events. We will post on Facebook when this happens and we will try and keep the calendar up to date.

Q: When are the trips?

A: We will post on Facebook when there are trips coming up.

Q: Why was my locker cut open? In addition, how do I get my stuff back?

A: At the start of every season, we will cut open all the lockers that are not claimed. The contents of the locker will be placed in a labeled bag which can be retrieved by contacting the board.

Hold i dag
