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Membership - student (Non-DTU)
Non-DTU Student - 2 month (starting even months) | 4-stud
1. Is it the first time you''re signing up? Then create a profile here  
2. If you have a profile, please login..

This group is for students from other universities than DTU.

You will need a DTU-Climbing card.
The card can be picked up at DTU Sport in their opening hours.
More options for pickup can be found in the registration guide.

Afterwards you will need to go to this page:
Non-DTU Membership


All membership are on auto renewal. If you do not cancel your membership before the next season start, you will automatically pay for the next season. 

When you register for a membership. You will register for the current season, that will last until next payment. There is currently no option for subscribing before a season starts. 

If you register for a membership on the last day, you will automatically pay again on the following day.

Read more
You will need a DTU-Climbing card.
The card can be picked up at DTU Sport in their opening hours.
More options for pickup can be found in the registration guide. 

Afterwards you will need to go to this page:
Non-DTU Membership

Two month membership (starting on even numbered months).

For students from other universities than DTU.

Lasts for the following periods

1/2   -  31/3
1/4   -  31/5
1/6   -  31/7
1/8   -  30/9
1/10 -  30/11
1/12 -  31/1

Membership will start in the current period.,


All membership are on auto renewal. If you do not cancel your membership before the next season start, you will automatically pay for the next season. 

NB! Studenter får 25% rabat på nedennævnte priser
75.00 DKK

Hold i dag
