Welcome to DTU Climbing!

For new non-DTU members

We now have membership cards in stock again. 

This is only relevant for people who do not study or work at DTU.

If you need a card, you can either show up to one of the open gym sessions, show up at the DTU Sports desk or send us an email to arrange a time to pick up a card. The two first options are preferred. See the registration guide for more info

About the club

DTU Climbing is a bouldering gym located at DTU. The club is a volunteer driven club with a great community, where the bouldering problems are usually set by members of the gym. 

DTU Climbing is also open to people not affiliated with DTU!

To stay updated on events and information from the board and other members, join our Facebook group DTU Climbing.

How to climb at the club

There are 3 options available for gaining access to climbing at the club

  1. Register as a member of the club (details in the Registration guide) (also for non-DTU members)
  2. Buy one-day tickets. Use either the shop or send 20 DKK to MobilePay number 800731 . (You will need a member to let you in)
  3. Meet up for free on one of the Open gym sessions. See more info below.


See our Calendar for upcoming events and descriptions thereof. You can also keep up to date in our Facebook group, where the calendar will also be posted, along with a lot more general information.

Open gym sessions (climb for free)

If you wish to try out the club facilities, there are free open gym sessions.
This simply means that the club has free entry, and that there will be someone from the board present to guide you.
There are free open gym sessions every Thursday in February and September
All open gym sessions events are from 17:30 - 19:00. No signup is needed, you just need to show up

You can find the dates for the open gym sessions in the Calendar


  • All climbers must have their membership card with them when present in the club.
  • You are not allowed to 'share' your card with anyone as it is personal. If you bring friends, make sure they buy a one-day ticket.
  • Members of the board will ask to see your membership card and have authority to 'kick out' anyone who fails to show it.
  • If you are the last to leave, make sure the fire escape to the roof is closed.
  • Loud music is not allowed, use headphones if you want to listen to music.
  • If you borrow shoes in the club, be sure to disinfect them using the disinfectant spray and put them back into the appropriate box after use.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the board.

Corona guidelines:

There are wipes and ethanol for wiping down equipment after use.
If you borrow shoes, you need to spray them down.
If spray, ethanol or wipes are gone, please let the board know at info@dtuclimbing.dk

Do still try to keep distance between each other and spread out over the whole wall.

Opening hours

Daily from 05.00 to 22.45 

Closing days can be found in our Calendar, in the DTU Climbing Facebook group, and on a sign at the bottom of the stairs to the climbing gym.
There are usually many closing days during the exam periods.

Is the door locked?

The door to the gym has two locks, one that can be opened by a member's access card and one that can only be opened with a key by the campus service (CAS). If the second lock is locked when the gym is supposed to be open, you can contact CAS at 45 25 25 25 and have them unlock the door. Remember to check the closing days first before contacting CAS.


The gym is located at Technical University of Denmark (DTU). 

The address is:
Anker Engelunds Vej 1B
2800 Kgs. Lyngby.

Go through to doors on the right, take the second set of stairs up. The location of the stairs is shown on the map to the right.


All communication from the board to its members goes through our Facebook group.
So any events, trips or info will be posted on our Facebook group.


If you have any questions, please check the FAQ under Info in the top menu.
Else feel free to send any complaints, requests or questions to the board of DTU Climbing by sending an email to info@dtuclimbing.dk.

Hold i dag
