Membership and Registration Guide

General membership and registration info

  1. Payment periods and automatic renewals
  2. Cancelling memberships
  3. Payment issues
  4. Refunds
  5. Any other questions?

Types of members and specific info

  1. DTU student
  2. DTU associate (Employees including Phds)
  3. Non-DTU student (Will need to pick up a card before signing up)
  4. Non-DTU (Will need to pick up a card before signing up)

General membership and registration info

Payment periods and automatic renewals

All membership are on auto renewal. If you do not cancel your membership before the next season start, you will automatically pay for the next season.

When you register for a membership. You will register for the current season, that will last until next payment. There is currently no option for subscribing before a season starts. So IE. if you register for the half year plan on the 30th of January, you will have to pay again on the 1st of February. You can see when the payment starts under the payment plans. For the Bi-monthly membership, make sure to double check the dates, and compare to where you are in the calendar.

Cancelling memberships

As soon as you cancel your membership, you will no longer be recognized as a member in our system, and your access to the doors at the gym will be terminated. 

To cancel your membership, go to "Usermenu", then "Payment history" then under "Registration overview" choose your membership and click "Click here to unsubscribe...". It is not currently possible to set your membership to cancel on a future date, and any cancellation will be instant. So you need to wait with the cancellation until you no longer intend to use your membership.

Payment issues

Our homepage is pulling information from DTU Basen, and if the address it has pulled is not a Danish address, your card will not be accepted. Send a mail to and we can change your address to a Danish one.


Subscribing for a membership to the club is at your own risk. We are under DTU, and DTU can decide to close us down to smaller or larger extends. If we are closed down due to DTU policy outside our own control, we will not offer any refunds. That being said, we might prolong memberships, or offer up another way to give back to our climbers, if the whole or most of the season is canceled.

Access card status

Once you have registered, please make sure that you have an active DTU card, or a DTU Climbing Card. Without it, you can not get access to the gym.
You can check your card status on the card admin page:

Any other questions

For any other questions, please first read the rest of this registration guide and check the FAQ. If you still cannot find the answer, then you can write to

Member types

You must sign up within the category that describes your affiliation with DTU.

DTU students

For any student at DTU with a student card. Your student card will work as your access card for the sports area and for the gym. For accessing the sports area, you must use your usual pin.

DTU associates

For all employees at DTU with a DTU card. This also includes Phd students. Your DTU card will work as your access card for the sports area and for the gym. For accessing the sports area, you must use your usual pin.

Non-DTU students and normal Non-DTU

If you are not a part of DTU, you will need to get a DTU Climbing access card before creating an account.
This can be done in either one of the following ways:

  1. Stop by during one of the open gym sessions (See the calendar)
  2. Go to the DTU Sport desk. It is located in the hallway between the stairs to fitness gym and to the climbing gym. This hallway is in building 101: Go through entrance b and through the first door on the right. Their opening hours can be found here
  3. Write to to meet up to get a card handed over.

After you have picked up a card, you need to register yourself on this page: Non-DTU signup

If you create an account with a wrong name, your card will not be activated.

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